I think I'm not the only one who enjoys the beginning of the course and brand new agenda/album/PL. Well, for this bite I have prepared an album in archival format with the sweet and precious Serendipity collection ,
I am happy with the Serendipity collection, satisfied with the work. But when it passes through your hands it is that they already elevate it to another dimension. Today Johana's great job that couldn't be more scandalously beautiful...
Serendipity is a collection that was intended as a gift. A gift that you give yourself. A gift in the form of time in which to dedicate yourself to what you like: Scrap. A gift that helps you value yourself more, to grow, to motivate yourself.
When I designed Serendipia I imagined that with it you would take a trip to your inner self. Many of you have told me about the need to do it and how good it will be for you.
These days I have received a lot of mentions. Your orders are starting to arrive and that means that soon we will see what you will cook with Serendipity.
I let her do it and she alone sets up the BITE for me, the photos, the texts, the slogan and even the advertising...
that's how cool it is cello and that's how wonderful this mini album is that he presents to you today. 🌼🌼